Hall of Fame Member Biographies

John T. Kontogianes

Tulsa Community College had the great fortune to obtain the energy, insight, amicability, and prescience of John T. Kontogianes, who between 1976 and 2008 served the school as an instructor, division chairman, provost, and executive vice-president.  He received his Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Oklahoma, went on to become a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, served thereafter at Oklahoma City Southwestern College, the Tulsa Public Schools, and finally came to Tulsa Junior College in 1976.  Respected and admired by students and faculty alike, John Kontogianes pioneered programs to advance the Tulsa community; in the 1980s, he helped develop integrated manufacturing programs into the curriculum, and later he brought to fruition a welfare-to-work program to assist the disadvantaged. Among the initiatives he inaugurated or assisted were:  Project ESTEEM, Project SMART, Adopt-a-School program, 2+2 agreements with other college and universities, Achieving the Dream, and Fast-Track degree options.  He inspired students and faculty to maintain the highest academic standards possible, thereby earning Tulsa Community College an enviable academic reputation.  Professor Kontogianes also participated extensively in the civic affairs of Tulsa, being a member of the Tulsa Global Alliance, Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry, Tulsa Community Service Council, and Tulsa Community AIDS Partnership; he was also on the board of directors of the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame.  Putting his mathematical knowledge to work, he also obtained in contract bridge the rank of Silver Life-Master and was Vice President of the American Contract Bridge League, Tulsa Chapter.  Unfortunately for higher education in Oklahoma, Professor Kontogianes passed away in 2008.  Today we honor John T. Kontogianes for his great service to Tulsa Community College, to Oklahoma’s students, and to Oklahoma higher education.